Ground-Breaking New Youth Homeless Service For Melbourne

Wednesday 18 July 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is investing more than $3.5 million in a ground-breaking model of intensive, 24/7 accommodation and crisis support for homeless young people

Kicking off the redevelopment of Melbourne City Mission’s Frontyard Youth Services on King Street yesterday, Minister for Housing, Martin Foley said the investment would ensure young Victorians sleeping rough or homeless would be supported to secure housing

The old King Street youth crisis hub will be upgraded with new facilities, including two new floors of crisis accommodation and a greater range of support services.

The Labor Government’s investment will allow for the accommodation service to be combined with mental health, drug and alcohol and disability support, all under the one roof.

The centre is due to open early next year and will provide young rough sleepers and homeless young people with access to health, family violence, counselling and legal services, and even animal and music therapy.

Frontyard’s doors will remain open throughout the redevelopment and the service will increase its opening hours to 24 hours, seven days a week. It will offer digital services to give young people more ways to stay in touch, and actively hit the streets to find youths sleeping rough.

Frontyard have been offering support and safety to young people experiencing homelessness and other forms of crisis for 29 years.

The project is a partnership between Melbourne City Mission, the Victorian Government, philanthropists and the Property Industry Foundation. Key philanthropists supporting the project include The Peter and Lyndy White Foundation, Lord Mayor’s Charitable Foundation and The Joe White Bequest.

The Labor Government has invested more than $1 billion in homeless and housing supports since March 2016, and in January 2018 announced $45 million for the Homelessness and Rough Sleeping Action Plan.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing Martin Foley

“Victoria is leading Australia – and the world – by investing in the Frontyard model which provides a comprehensive 24/7 response to youth homelessness.”

“Our $3.5 million investment in Frontyard will help get Victoria’s young people off the streets, keep them safe and connect them with the right support when and where they need it.”

Quotes attributable to CEO Melbourne City Mission Vicki Sutton

“The new Frontyard is designed to disrupt the cycle of homelessness for Victoria’s most vulnerable and hard to reach young people, providing connected support and accommodation under one roof.

“Melbourne City Mission congratulates the Victorian Government, Property Industry Foundation and the many donors and philanthropists who have joined together behind this model that will help Victoria reduce youth homelessness.”