Government Seeks Baseline Sentencing Review

Tuesday 24 November 2015

Attorney-General Martin Pakula today announced a review of baseline sentencing aimed at investigating new ways of ensuring serious offenders receive consistent sentences.

Victoria’s Sentencing Advisory Council (SAC) will undertake the review and examine the best way to provide legislative sentencing guidance to courts.

The Attorney-General has asked the SAC to provide swift advice to Government about the most effective way for Parliament to provide sentencing guidance to the courts for serious offences.

The review follows a decision last week by the Court of Appeal, which ruled that existing baseline sentencing provisions in the Sentencing Act 1991 were "incapable of being given any practical operation".

Under the review, SAC will report on the types of sentencing guidance that should feature in any new sentencing scheme, which offences should be included and the level at which any sentencing guidance should be set for these offences.

SAC is required to report back to the Attorney-General by 15 April 2016.

Quotes attributable to Attorney-General, Martin Pakula

“The current situation involving baseline sentencing provisions is clearly unworkable and requires urgent attention.”

“The Andrews Labor Government is committed to addressing this problem and ensuring that sentencing laws are workable and that sentencing meets community expectations.”

“The Court of Appeal found the Napthine Government’s baseline laws incapable of practical operation.”