Gordon TAFE Launches Reconciliation Action Plan

Friday 2 October 2020

The knowledge, voice and contributions of First Nations people will be embedded in the delivery of training at Gordon TAFE under their new Reconciliation Action Plan.

Minister for Training and Skills and Higher Education Gayle Tierney today launched the new Reconciliation Action Plan, which will create opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students to reach their full potential by creating a supportive and culturally safe environment for learning.

The Plan will also support staff to develop greater cultural awareness to strengthen relationships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students, staff and stakeholders.

The Gordon will take steps to recognise Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultural protocols and days of significance. The TAFE will increase cultural support for students and staff and will explore opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander student scholarships and traineeships.

The Gordon will implement strategies to increase and retain Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander staff, in addition to providing professional development and mentoring opportunities.

The Plan also aims to strengthen partnerships with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander stakeholders and businesses to create more employment opportunities at The Gordon for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners participating in VET are supported through the Wurreker strategy, which aims to improve education and training delivery in the VET sector to achieve quality education, training and employment outcomes for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander learners. The Victorian Government recognises the importance of self-determination for First Nations peoples.

The First Peoples’ Assembly of Victoria was elected last year and will be a voice for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people in self-determination and preparing Victoria for treaty negotiations.

Quote attributable to Minister for Training and Skills and Higher Education Gayle Tierney

“The Gordon’s Reconciliation Action Plan is an important step forward in fostering a deeper understanding, respect and appreciation for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander cultures.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Geelong Christine Couzens

“The Reconciliation Action Plan reflects a commitment made by everyone at The Gordon to take meaningful action on the journey to reconciliation and inclusiveness.

I congratulate the Gordon on their Reconciliation Action Plan. Recognising, listening to, and valuing what our first nations people have to offer all of us, is the first step in genuine inclusion and reconciliation.

Quote attributable to the Gordon CEO Joe Ormemo

“Our Plan celebrates Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander culture. It is a framework of action for better outcomes and promotes reconciliation. I look forward to the practical implementation of the Plan and welcome ongoing engagement with our Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander communities as we work and learn together.”

201002 - Gordon TAFE Launches Reconciliation Action Plan.pdf
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