Giving Geelong The Council It Wants

Monday 8 May 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is getting on with delivering the council structure the Geelong community wants.

Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins will this week introduce the City of Greater Geelong Amendment Bill 2017 into the Victorian Parliament.

The Bill implements the structure recommended by the Geelong Citizen's Jury, with the new structure to be effective from the elections in October this year.

The Citizen’s Jury allowed residents to have their say about how they wanted their new council structured and how it could function more effectively in the interests of Geelong.

The Bill puts in place a new structure for the Council which includes:

  • Eleven councillors in total, including the Mayor and Deputy Mayor
  • A Mayor and Deputy Mayor elected by and from Councillors for a two-year term;
  • Councillors elected from four wards, with three wards consisting of three Councillors and one ward consisting of two Councillors.

Electing the Mayor and Deputy from the elected Councillors will ensure they can work as a team in the interests of Geelong, while providing ongoing savings for the city’s budget.

The Victorian Electoral Commission is currently consulting the people of Geelong on the ward structure.

At the same time, the Administrators are taking action on the recommendations of the Commission of Inquiry, including engaging with over 13,000 local residents in the development of a new vision for the City.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Local Government Natalie Hutchins

“We are taking action so Geelong gets the first class Council it deserves.”

“The last structure resulted in a council with a deep-seated culture of bullying. It was unable to provide long term vision and lacked the leadership required to manage Geelong’s major challenges.”

“We trust the people of Geelong to know how to improve their Council and this legislation makes their views law.”