Getting Neighbourly With Our Fellow Victorians

Monday 30 July 2018

Thousands of Victorians are about to reap the benefits of a record funding boost to be shared by the state’s neighbourhood houses thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Premier Daniel Andrews visited the Donald Community Centre last Friday to announce that it would be one of 162 neighbourhood houses across Victoria to receive extra coordination hours, which will give families improved access to employment, training and volunteering opportunities.

Each of these houses are now funded to deliver 25 coordination hours a week, as part of a record $21.8 million boost over four years that will deliver an additional 76,700 hours each year.

It's an investment eight times bigger than what was delivered by the previous Liberal National Government.

The additional coordination hours will help staff and volunteers provide the activities and services Victorians need and want closer to home, like language classes, computer tutoring, health and well-being activities, life skills lessons, self-help groups and occasional childcare.

Almost 200,000 people visit a neighbourhood house or use their services every week in Victoria, bringing people together to connect, learn and contribute with fellow community members.

Additional funding through the Victorian Budget 2018/19 will also allow mobile neighbourhood house networkers to spend 4,800 extra hours with individual houses to improve access to key services and activities.

Victoria has more than 400 neighbourhood houses across the state within 16 networks. Neighbourhood house networkers have responsibility for visiting and supporting houses in their area to ensure the community is getting the best service possible.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“We’re backing our neighbourhood houses so that more Victorians have better access to vital employment, training and volunteering opportunities – this is about putting people first.”

“The biggest ever boost in funding to coordination hours is part of our plan to expand and support Victorian neighbourhood houses, so they can continue to support hard working Victorians in every corner of the state.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“More hours, more staff and more volunteers – this investment is a win for the local communities neighbourhood houses support across Victoria.”

“This is a great boost for the regions – with more than half of the houses to get extra funding in regional Victoria.”

Quotes attributable to CEO Neighbourhood Houses Victoria Nicole Battle

“Neighbourhood houses provide vital services that support Victorians to participate in their local community, access learning opportunities and improve their health and wellbeing.”