Getting It Done: Community Safety Reforms

Wednesday 20 December 2017

The Andrews Labor Government is getting on with delivering its unprecedented package of community safety reforms according to the latest report by Victoria’s Community Safety Trustee, Ron Iddles OAM APM.

Mr Iddles’ latest report confirms the Labor Government has made progress on tracking outcomes for each of the Government’s Community Safety Statement’s five priority areas.

The Trustee’s report follows the publishing of new data from the independent Crime Statistics Agency which shows a 6.3 per cent decrease in the crime rate across Victoria.

It focuses on the establishment of an outcomes framework, which will ensure the Government’s law reforms and its multi-billion dollar record police investment are delivering real results and keeping Victorians safe.

The report also highlights the work done to deliver a number of Community Statement Safety initiatives, including the expansion of Victoria Police’s Eyewatch Facebook pages, new technology and the deployment of new police.

The Community Safety Trustee was appointed in April to oversee the delivery of the Government’s Community Safety Statement and record police investment, which is funding 3,135 extra police, new equipment, better facilities and stronger laws to combat crime.

We are already seeing the results of this with the Police Academy booming, and the first 300 new police allocated to growth areas across Melbourne and Geelong.

The latest mobile technology is being rolled out to officers on the frontline and we now have a cutting-edge intelligence system that can analyse more than 86 million records in a matter of seconds.

These are only some of the major initiatives being delivered as part of the Statement.

The Trustee’s next report – to be released in the middle of 2018 – will focus on the implementation progress of Community Safety Statement initiatives.

The full report is available on the Department of Justice and Regulation’s website.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“The community deserves to have assurances that our record Community Safety Statement investment will help improve safety and make a real difference to the lives of all Victorians. This report confirms it is doing just that.”

 “The work police have been doing is already starting to pay off, with crime down again for the second consecutive quarter and the biggest drop in 12 years.”

“Once again, I’d like to thank the Community Safety Trustee for his tireless work and oversight, which will support a stronger, safer Victoria.”