Funds For Cohuna To Build Community Capability

Wednesday 7 March 2018

The Andrews Labor Government today announced a $20,000 grant to Cohuna Neighbourhood House to run a number of initiatives that promote social inclusion and community development.

Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford announced the grant in Parliament today, which will help Cohuna Neighbourhood House develop a database to promote and coordinate its events more effectively and expand its range of activities.

The grant includes support for older, less mobile residents to attend events through better coordination of the bus service.

The grant will also help Cohuna Neighbourhood House publicise the region’s rich history as documented by William Blandowski – a scientist who studied the biodiversity of the Gannawarra region.

Promotion of Blandowski’s work will encourage locals to value the region’s beautiful natural assets and attract more visitors to the region.

A third project will see the development of a platform to connect small rural communities and showcase examples of best practice in community development. This initiative will build community capability and help to identify ways to keep the town’s economic and social wellbeing strong into the future.

The fourth project will engage a consultant to investigate housing needs within the Cohuna community and explore the potential to use the Rupanyup Community Enterprise Housing Model as a solution.

The Cohuna Neighbourhood House, which is largely run by volunteers, is contributing $2,000 towards the suite of projects with an additional $2,000 provided by the local community.

The Labor Government is investing in these initiatives through its $500 million Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund, which supports projects that make regional Victoria a better place to live, work and do business.

Quote attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaala Pulford

“Neighbourhood houses, just like this one in Cohuna, are a vital part of the community – and that’s why we’re backing them with important funding.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“Visit any regional Victorian town and you will find strong and active community groups like the Cohuna Neighbourhood House.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

“Cohuna Neighbourhood House provides crucial services to locals and those right across the Gannawarra Shire – and we’re proud to play our part.”