Funding Boost For Aboriginal Family Violence Services

Wednesday 16 February 2022

More Aboriginal organisations and community groups will be able to support their communities with applications open for funding to deliver more Aboriginal frontline family violence services and initiatives.

The Andrews Labor Government has released a further $4 million in funding from the Dhelk Dja Family Violence Fund to deliver Aboriginal-led family violence prevention and response initiatives under the Dhelk Dja: Safe Our Way Agreement.  

The Royal Commission into Family Violence highlighted the significant and disproportionate impact of family violence on Aboriginal people in Victoria, and the unique barriers that Aboriginal people face in getting the support they need.

This new funding, which brings the amount invested from the Dhelk Dja fund to $18.2 million, supports the commitment to ensure Aboriginal Victorians can access culturally safe services and appropriate responses for both victim survivors and those using, or at risk of using, violence in the home.

The Dhelk Dja Agreement ensures Aboriginal services and government work together and be accountable for ensuring Aboriginal people, families and communities are stronger, safer, thriving and free from family violence.

All eligible Aboriginal organisations and community groups are invited to apply for funding through the 2021-22 Dhelk Dja Family Violence Fund to develop and deliver a range of Aboriginal-led family violence responses and initiatives.

The Dhelk Dja Koori Caucus has identified and endorsed three priority funding streams for this funding round – Aboriginal frontline family violence services, working with male victims of family violence and preventing the cycle of violence - strengthening Aboriginal families.  

Applications for funding are open to eligible Aboriginal organisations and community groups until 3 March 2022. To apply or find out more visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams

“Aboriginal people know what is best for themselves, their families and communities - the best response to family violence that impacts Aboriginal Victorians, is one that is led by Aboriginal Victorians.

“We know that family violence is not a part of Aboriginal culture and is perpetrated against Aboriginal people by both non-Aboriginal and Aboriginal people. Through partnering with Aboriginal communities to address family violence, we are ensuring Aboriginal Victorians can access culturally safe support, when and where they need it.

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