Fracking Ban A Win For Farming And Tourism

Tuesday 25 September 2018

Local farmers, tourism operators and the Barwon community continue to benefit from the Andrews Labor Government’s historic decision to permanently ban ‘fracking’, and all other forms of unconventional onshore gas extraction.

Treasurer and Minister for Resources Tim Pallas today joined locals at Mt Duneed Winery, near Geelong, to meet those celebrating the second anniversary of the protection of local countryside from fracking.

Thousands will be flocking to the Barwon area and across the south-west this long weekend and these school holidays, underlining the importance of agritourism businesses such as wineries.

Food Services tourism alone across Geelong, the Bellarine and Great Ocean Road was worth over $200 million to the economy in 2016-17.

Anything threatening tourism and agriculture jeopardies the Victorian economy, local communities, families and their livelihoods. Fracking poses too great a risk to the wellbeing of businesses and all Victorians.

Local Barwon groups such as Frack Free Moriac played an important role in ensuring the message from the community was clear – and the Labor Government listened by outlawing fracking and coal seam gas extraction.

In reaching the decision, the Labor Government met with residents across the Peninsula and across the state and listened to their views first-hand.

The Labor Government is proud to have banned fracking and supports rural communities state-wide who continue to oppose fracking and the unconventional gas industry.

While Liberals and Nationals across the country continue to show they are soft on fracking, people can be certain that for as long as there is a Labor Government in Victoria, fracking will be banned.

Quotes attributable to Treasurer and Minister for Resources Tim Pallas

“Two years ago we put farmers first and ended fracking forever. Only Labor will keep it that way.”

“By protecting our farmland and environment from inappropriate gas developments, we’re protecting regional businesses, jobs and communities.”

“Unlike the Liberals and Nationals, we value the world-class, fresh produce famers produce and the 190,000 jobs the state’s agricultural industry provides.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney

“We said we’d put farmers in Western Victoria first and that’s exactly what we did.”