Fixing The Local Roads That Regional Victorians Rely On

Monday 29 October 2018 at 1:00 am

Every single regional council across Victoria will benefit from funding under the first round of the Andrews Labor Government’s $100 million Fixing Country Roads Program.

All 48 regional councils have been successful in securing a portion of the more than $30 million first round grants for important road rehabilitation and resealing works, bridge strengthening projects or road safety improvements.

Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan visited Mount Rowan today to announce the construction of a new Gillies Road roundabout (City of Ballarat), which will improve safety and traffic flow for locals.

Some of the 91 projects to receive funding from the Labor Government include:

  • Rebuilding and widening of Perkins Road at Lara (City of Geelong)
  • Bridge strengthening at Cape Otway Road (Surf Coast Shire)
  • Construction and sealing of Flynns Creek Road (Latrobe City Council)
  • Rebuilding the Murphy Street and Strickland Road roundabout in Bendigo to better cater for larger freight vehicles (City of Bendigo)

The significant funding boost for local roads is on top of the biggest road maintenance blitz regional Victoria has ever seen, with $333 million is being invested this year to repair, rebuild and resurface 1,500 kilometres of country arterial roads – creating more than 650 construction jobs.

Round two of the Fixing Country Roads Program will open early next year, with an additional $70 million available to councils with eligible projects.

The Labor Government has more than doubled road maintenance spending since coming to office and established Regional Roads Victoria a new, dedicated country roads authority to oversee this record investment.

Councils to receive funding in round one must deliver these works by June 2019, while round two projects must be delivered by June 2020.

For more information visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan

“We’ve promised Victorians a better, safer and connected regional road network, that’s why we’re helping councils keep local roads fit for purpose.”

“The Fixing Country Roads Fund is about making sure that that every road – regardless of who manages it – is safe and reliable.”