Fast Tracking Cleaner And Cheaper Energy

Thursday 27 March 2025

The Allan Labor Government has fast tracked the approval of a new solar farm near Geelong, which will help deliver cleaner and cheaper energy for tens of thousands of homes.

Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny has given the green light for the 330-megawatt Barwon Solar Farm, which will have the capacity to provide energy for almost 140,000 homes each year.

Also proposed for the site is a 250-megawatt Battery Energy Storage System, with the ability to meet evening peak demand needs for more than 86,000 homes.

The Barwon Solar Farm has been made possible through financial backing from the Albanese Labor Government’s Capacity Investment Scheme which ensures developers will build enough cheap, clean, renewable energy and storage to replace ageing coal fired generators as they retire.

The Labor Government expanded the Development Facilitation Program to include renewable energy projects last year – getting cleaner and cheaper energy projects off the ground faster.

Since the program was expanded to include renewable energy and battery storage projects in 2024, applications for ten projects have been approved, representing an investment of more than $1 billion.

Combined, the projects fast tracked so far have the potential to power more than 470,000 Victorian homes.

Prior to this fast-tracked pathway, more than one in five renewable energy project applications ended up stuck in VCAT despite most projects being approved eventually – often delaying them by up to two years.

The Labor Government's record investments in renewable energy means Victoria has the lowest wholesale power prices in the country – bringing online even more renewable energy will ensure prices stay low into the future.

Quote attributable to Minister for Planning Sonya Kilkenny

“Fast tracking renewable energy projects like this one means we can deliver more Victorians cheaper and cleaner power sooner.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Energy Lily D’Ambrosio

“We need to bring even more renewable energy projects online to ensure more Victorians can access cheaper and cleaner power – helping us get to our 95 per cent renewable energy by 2035.”

Quote attributable to Member for Lara Ella George

“We need cleaner and cheaper power here in Victoria and this project will power around 140,000 homes, while also creating jobs and injecting more money into our local economy.”

Quote attributable to Federal Minister for Climate Change and Energy Chris Bowen

“The Albanese Government is bringing on more of the cheapest form of energy this decade, with our national grid now at more than 40 percent reliable renewables.”

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