Fair And Balanced Agreement To End Firefighter Dispute

Friday 10 June 2016

The Victorian Government has accepted the Fair Work Commission’s recommendation to end the long running Enterprise Agreement dispute with Country Fire Authority firefighters.

In doing so, the Government has also put in place additional safeguards for volunteer firefighters, including inserting clauses into the Agreement that clearly specify that the role of volunteers and the services they provide are not altered by the Agreement.

The concerns raised by the CFA regarding the enforceability of key aspects of the Agreement have now been resolved as follows:

  • Diversity: A statement of joint intent between the CFA and the UFU will confirm that the Agreement will not override the National Employment Standards enshrined in the Fair Work Act which include the right of employees to request flexible working arrangements
  • Seven on the fireground: A statement of joint intent between the CFA and the UFU will commit the parties to working together on the rollout of 350 new firefighters and the implementation of the seven on the fireground dispatch model
  • Consultation and dispute resolution: The Government will also seek a commitment from the parties that ‘agreement will not be unreasonably withheld’ on matters which require consultation

The Government has appointed Emergency Management Commissioner Craig Lapsley to oversee the implementation of the Agreement.

In protecting the role of volunteers, Commissioner Lapsley will monitor:

  • The increased recruitment and support of women, and other programs associated with the diversity clause in the Agreement
  • The effective rollout of 350 new career firefighters at integrated stations
  • The operational impact of seven on the fireground within Victoria’s 34 integrated stations
  • The rollout of training for new recruits and skill development

The Commissioner will publicly release six and 12-month reports on the implementation of the Agreement, which will include recommendations for ongoing improvement to CFA management and support for volunteer firefighters in the community. The reports will also be provided to the Fair Work Commission.

The Government believes the Agreement as recommended by Fair Work and with the additional clarification around enforceability, is a fair and balanced outcome which respects the work of both career and volunteer firefighters.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“Volunteer and career firefighters have told us they’re sick of being used as a political football – they want this fixed because they want the focus back on fighting fires and keeping their communities safe.”

“I’m not having this drag on for another 1000 days – because that’s not safe, and that’s not fair.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industrial Relations Natalie Hutchins

“The independent umpire has made recommendations which are fair and balanced, and will protect the important role of volunteers.”