- Published:
- Tuesday 15 September 2015
The Victorian Government today confirmed the reappointment of Elizabeth Williams in the role of Deputy Electoral Commissioner until June 2021.
Ms Williams was appointed to the role in 2005 and also acted as Electoral Commissioner during 2012 and 2013. Her reappointment for a further term, following a competitive executive recruitment process, reflects her exceptional contribution to the Commission to date.
The Deputy Electoral Commissioner fulfils a critical statutory function in Victoria, which includes leading the planning of all State, local government and commercial elections, and managing the Commission’s engagement with the Parliament’s oversight body, the Electoral Matters Committee.
The Deputy Electoral Commissioner also manages the Commission’s work with other Australian electoral authorities and local stakeholders to ensure continuous innovation in electoral program delivery.
The Victorian Electoral Commission (VEC) is an independent and impartial statutory authority established under Victoria's Electoral Act 2002.
The VEC conducts Victorian State elections, local council elections, certain statutory elections and polls, and commercial and community elections.
Quotes attributable to Special Minister of State Gavin Jennings
“The Victorian Government is pleased to announce the reappointment of Elizabeth Williams who has extensive experience in state, local government and non- government elections.”
“Elizabeth Williams has shown great initiative in fostering a working environment that promotes excellence and drives innovation.”