Delivering Safer Court Facilities In Hamilton

Thursday 14 June 2018

The Andrews Labor Government is providing safer court facilities at the Hamilton Court House with a refurbishment completed ahead of schedule.

Attorney-General Martin Pakula today visited the Hamilton Court House to inspect the upgrades, which include a new private waiting area and interview room – providing victims of crime with a safe space away from public areas.

Mobile screening will also be installed inside the courtroom to visually separate parties, along with improvements to the registry area – as part of the $535,000 investment.

The works were completed two weeks early and help to deliver on Recommendation 182 of the Royal Commission into Family Violence by better supporting victim survivors of family violence in rural, regional and remote communities.

Building works began in December 2017, with the multi-jurisdictional court continuing to hear Magistrates’ Court, Children’s Court, VCAT and Victims of Crime Assistance Tribunal matters during the renovation.

The courthouse has held more than 1500 hearings in 2017-18 and has finalised 150 family violence intervention order matters.

Security measures were also improved last year, with three court security officers present on court sitting days from 20 December 2017 – providing a security presence and escort service for vulnerable people when required.

Western District builder Nicholson Construction was contracted to undertake the renovation.

The upgrades formed part of the Labor Government’s $58.1 million investment in court safety and security.

Quotes attributable to Attorney-General Martin Pakula

“These important upgrades at the Hamilton Court House are making sure that victims of crime get access to more secure court facilities closer to home.”

“We’re implementing all of the recommendations from the Royal Commission into Family Violence and providing more support for victims in rural, regional and remote communities.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Jaala Pulford

“Private waiting areas, mobile screening and a stronger security presence will help to ensure that victim survivors of family violence feel safe when they attend court in Hamilton.”