Delivering Projects And Creating Jobs In Regional Victoria

Tuesday 12 May 2020

The Victorian Government is continuing to back community projects in regional Victoria that create jobs and make our regions even better places to live and work.

Minister for Regional Development Jaclyn Symes today announced 35 projects in rural and regional communities that will share in more than $16 million from the Regional Infrastructure Fund to improve liveability and attract more residents and visitors to towns.

One of the projects is $500,000 in road and level crossing improvements to pave the way for a private housing subdivision at Ararat. The residential subdivision will create nearly 140 new, much-needed houses for the town and surrounding community, and more than 300 jobs.

The extra housing will help fill local workforce shortages and meet interest from people looking to move to Ararat.

Another recipient is the Burraja Cultural and Environmental Centre in Wodonga, which has received $430,000 to refurbish the Centre, redesign displays, and improve accessibility.

The Centre offers educational programs on local Aboriginal culture and the environment, as well as being the home of a social enterprise that provides skill development, training and employment for Aboriginal people.

Funding will also go towards creating new walking trails near the Centre that connect with the Wagira trail on the other side of the Murray River, building on Wodonga’s long tradition as a place of meeting and welcome.

The Regional Infrastructure Fund is part of the Government’s flagship Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund, which helps businesses create more jobs in regional Victoria, supports community projects and helps councils to build the infrastructure locals need.

The Fund is key to the Government’s record $2.6 billion Delivering for Regional and Rural Victoria Program unveiled in the Victorian Budget 2019/20 to deliver quality education, health, transport and record jobs.

Information and guidelines for the Regional Jobs and Infrastructure Fund can be found at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Regional Development Jaclyn Symes

“Regional Victoria is critical to supporting our state’s recovery from the impacts of coronavirus and we’re backing projects in our regions that will drive jobs and community growth.”

“While we can’t enjoy our halls and parks and other community facilities right now, it’s important that we continue investing in them and create jobs.”

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