Delivering New Play Spaces For Wallan Families

Thursday 4 April 2019

Families from across Wallan have access to new and upgraded play spaces thanks to investment from the Andrews Labor Government to support the community grow and prosper.

Minister for Local Government Adem Somyurek today joined local families, community members and Mitchell Shire Council to officially open the new play spaces on Coffey Drive, Lisa Place and Roulston Way.

The $300,000 Connecting Neighbourhood Families project will enable Wallan residents to reap the benefits of being more connected, healthy and active, alongside having some great outdoor spaces.

At the Coffey Drive Reserve, the completed works include a new play space suitable for younger and older children with seating, shade plantings, hard and soft landscape, a grassed runabout space and nature-based play opportunities.

Lisa Place Reserve and Roulston Way Reserve also benefited from upgraded play spaces, tree plantings and additional landscape work, with Roulston Way’s half-court basketball area also being upgraded.

The project received $225,000 through the Labor Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund and was delivered by Mitchell Shire Council.

Over $14.3 million has been invested in Growing Suburbs Fund projects in the Mitchell Shire Council area since 2015. This has included a Youth Services Hub for Wallan, new and upgraded community centres for Beveridge and Broadford, and upgraded parks across the Shire.

More information on the Growing Suburbs Fund is available at:

Quote attributable to Minister for Local Government Adem Somyurek

“Whether it’s new kinder rooms, better community spaces or upgraded sporting facilities, we’re getting on with delivering the facilities our growing communities need thanks to the Labor Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund.”

Quote attributable to Member for Yan Yean Danielle Green 

“It’s great to see the Labor Government backing local families in Wallan with new and upgraded play spaces that will make our area an even better place to live, work and bring up a family.” 

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes 

“The Labor Government is supporting fast growing communities like Wallan get the community and play spaces they need. These spaces provide opportunities for locals to get outdoors, have fun and stay healthy.”