Delivering A Great Local School For Exford

Wednesday 29 August 2018

Exford families will get the world-class local school their kids deserve, with a re-elected Andrews Labor Government to deliver a massive upgrade to Exford Primary School, near Melton.

Exford Primary School has grown from a small country school into a much larger school with more than 400 students, but the facilities have not grown with it.

A re-elected Labor Government will make sure students and their teachers have the state of the art facilities they need to achieve their best with a $6.25 million upgrade of Exford Primary School.

This will include building permanent new classrooms to replace the old relocatable buildings, as well as planning for future upgrades.

Every child should have a good local school and the chance to succeed in life, and only a re-elected Labor Government will deliver that for kids at Exford.

The Liberals slashed $1 billion out of our education system, leaving schools to crumble and decay across the state.

In contrast, the Labor Government has invested more than $3.8 billion to build 70 new schools and upgrade 1,300 schools across the state since coming to office in 2014.

That means thousands of Victorian kids now go to school every day and learn in new classrooms with better technology and facilities, like new gyms and science labs.

It’s also helped create 5,000 construction jobs for Victorians right around our state.

Only a re-elected Labor Government will keep delivering for Victorians with more new schools and upgrades to existing schools across the state.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“Exford Primary School is a great local school and only Labor will deliver this massive upgrade to give students and their teachers the state of the art facilities they deserve.”

“The Liberals left our classrooms crowded and school facilities falling apart. Only Labor will make the investments that make a real difference to local families.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Jaala Pulford

“Mums and dads in Exford deserve to know their kids are getting the very best start in life. With these upgrades, we’ll make sure they are.”