Delivering For Farmers In The Goulburn Murray Valley

Wednesday 18 July 2018

Moira Shire’s agriculture sector is set to benefit with significant road upgrades and new funding from the Andrews Labor Government to better manage the impacts of Queensland Fruit Fly announced today.

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford today announced $342,000 through round two of the Local Roads to Market program.

The grant will help Moira Shire Council upgrade the intersection at Mordens Road and Katunga-Picola Road, and widen and seal two kilometres of Mordens Road to the entrance of free-range egg producer Farm Pride’s Broken Creek Farm.

The upgrades will improve the road surface to accommodate more heavy vehicles travelling to and from the farm, and allow for safer manoeuvrability when turning at the intersection.

It will make it quicker, safer and more efficient for Farm Pride to get their eggs to market, and boost the quality of product for consumers by reducing the number of eggs damaged in transit.

Ms Pulford also announced $709, 920 to Moira Shire Council to fund the continued delivery of the Goulburn Murray Valley Regional Fruit Fly Action Plan.

The grant will increase awareness of best practice through advertising, community and grower workshops, working directly with 30 Lions and Rotary clubs to support community action and create fruit fly signage for roadsides.

The program will fund voluntary removal of host trees in urban areas, public lands and unmanaged orchards.

Field officers will also be funded to identify causes of fruit fly hot spots and work with landholders to manage the problem with additional trapping provided to help provide a clearer picture of the fruit fly population in key areas.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Agriculture is one of this state’s most important industries and we’re delighted to work with the region’s agribusinesses and local councils to deliver these grants that will make a real difference.”

“From tackling fruit fly head on to ensuring our primary producers have better, safer and more accessible transport routes – only Labor is delivering for all Victorians.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

“These upgrades will improve agribusiness and supply chain productivity and improve the country road network for all users.”