David Hodgett Pays Price For Matthew Guy's Failure Of Leadership

Sunday 24 September 2017

David Hodgett has paid the price for Matthew Guy's penthouse payments and secret lobster dinner scandals, losing his high-profile portfolio of Public Transport.

With murmurings about Matthew Guy's leadership growing by the day, the Grand Final week reshuffle rewards his praetorian guard with plum jobs, while others like Mr Hodgett and Inga Peulich have been thrown under the bus.

And in another sign the Nationals hold no power in the Liberal Coalition, there will be no shadow Minister for Regional Development.

It's extraordinary that yet again, the Coalition is treating regional Victoria as the state’s “toenails” and turning their backs on our thriving regional communities.

And in a further insult, Matthew Guy has retained Brad Battin in the Emergency Services portfolio – despite the disgraceful and dishonest slur he made against our Black Saturday firefighters.

Matthew Guy’s reshuffle is all about keeping his own job, rather than focusing on the needs of hard-working Victorians.

It shows once again he has neither the character nor the judgement to lead this state.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads Luke Donnellan

"This is a desperate attempt by Matthew Guy to save his own job - rewarding mates and punishing others for his own failings."

"No reshuffle can change the fact that Matthew Guy was the one who was caught out at a secret dinner eating lobsters with alleged mobsters."

“This reshuffle is a slap in the face to people in regional Victoria and to the thousands of hardworking firefighters who put their lives on the line to keep us safe.”