Dairy Industry And Government To Meet On Milk Price Cut

Tuesday 3 May 2016

The Andrews Labor Government will convene a meeting of Victoria's dairy industry leaders on Thursday to discuss Murray Goulburn's shock decision to cut its farmgate milk price.

Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford said now is the time for the industry to come together to support farmers and regional communities who are feeling the impact of this milk price cut.

The Dairy Industry Taskforce will address how the welfare of farmers and regional communities can be supported by proactive measures led by industry.

With 2,600 dairy farmers supplying Murray Goulburn, making up almost 60 per cent of all Victorian dairy farm businesses, the Labor Government is monitoring the situation closely for potential flow on effects to regional communities.

The first meeting will include members from:

  • Victorian Farmers Federation
  • United Dairy Farmers of Victoria
  • Gardiner Foundation
  • Dairy Australia
  • Murray Goulburn
  • Fonterra
  • Bega Cheese
  • Burra Foods
  • Warrnambool Cheese and Butter
  • Victorian Agricultural Advisory Council

The meeting  will discuss the outlook for Victoria's dairy sector and ensure that industry is coordinated in its approach  for farmers and the community.

The Government urges anyone experiencing difficulties to contact their local Rural Financial Counselling Service, Lifeline or BeyondBlue.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Agriculture Jaala Pulford

“Now is the time more than ever to look over the farmgate, check on your neighbour and support each other.”

"Dairy farming is at the heart and soul of Victorian agriculture – and we want it to stay that way. A coordinated approach will ensure industry and government work together to address the issues caused by the milk price cut.”

"The Andrews Labor Government stands with the dairy industry during this difficult time and we are confident that its future remains strong.”