Cutting Red Tape For Small Construction Businesses

Tuesday 29 May 2018

The Andrews Labor Government has launched a Small Business Regulation Review into the state’s construction and building sector, to cut red tape and improve the experience small businesses have with regulators.

The review calls for submissions and input from small construction businesses – with a focus on relationships with regulators – to understand what Government can do to help them run their businesses more efficiently, save time and create jobs.

By cutting red tape for small businesses, the Labor Government is growing Victoria’s economy and driving growth for the almost 100,000 small construction and building businesses across the state.

Energy Safe Victoria, the Environmental Protection Authority Victoria, the Victorian Building Authority and Worksafe will partner with the Government to deliver practical and targeted reforms.

These partners will be involved in the process from start to finish to create reform that meets the needs of small business.

This is the third Small Business Regulation Review that the Labor Government has launched. The first two focussed on the retail sector and the visitor economy with reforms to be announced in the coming weeks.

The Labor Government is also supporting small businesses by making payments fairer through the Australian Supplier Payment Code and cutting regional payroll tax to 2.425 per cent – the lowest rate in Australia – through the Victorian Budget 2018/19.

Small businesses are the backbone of Victoria’s economy – with more than 576,000 small businesses making up 97 per cent of businesses across the state and employing almost half of the private sector workforce.

To learn more about the review visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Small Business Philip Dalidakis

Initiatives like this make life easier for Victoria’s small businesses, which leads to a stronger economy and more jobs.”

”Cutting red tape will free up more time for small business owners and operators to focus on running and growing their businesses rather than dealing with regulators.”

“Small businesses are crucial to our economy and our community, so we need to do all we can to help them thrive.”