Crime Prevention Grants To Boost Community Safety

Wednesday 15 May 2019

Applications are now open for up to $3 million in crime prevention grants, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government’s Public Safety Infrastructure Fund.

Minister for Crime Prevention Ben Carroll announced that local councils can apply for up to $250,000 to fund infrastructure that supports safer communities.

Projects that could receive funding include lighting upgrades, streetscape and other amenity improvements, or the installation of CCTV cameras in high-risk areas.

Minister Carroll launched the latest grant round in St Albans, where he officially marked the completion of the Lighting the Way project between Princess and Percy streets.

The project, which received $250,000 in the 2017–18 grant round, provided new lighting and landscaping to improve perceptions of safety and encourage more people to visit the area at night. Brimbank City Council also contributed more than $1 million to the project.

Since July 2015, the Labor Government has provided more than $11 million in Public Safety Infrastructure grants to support 73 projects across Victoria.

Another recently completed local crime-prevention project is the Welcome to St Albans mural and community noticeboard, which received a $7000 grant through the government’s Graffiti Prevention Grants project.

The initiative, delivered in partnership with the council and the St Albans Business Association, saw a local artist work with at-risk youth to deliver the mural and an anti-graffiti education program.

Councils have until Friday 2 August to apply for funding under the latest grants round. Applications can be submitted at

Quotes attributable to Minister for Crime Prevention Ben Carroll

“We’ll always invest in projects that prevent crime, help our community feel safe and attract visitors to new areas.”

“Councils can apply for funding for CCTV, lighting upgrades and streetscape works, which all help to increase public safety and deter crime.”

Quote attributable to Member for St Albans Natalie Suleyman

“The Lighting the Way project in St Albans is a great example of what can be achieved when government and local councils work together to help create safer communities.”