Cracking Down On Synthetic Drugs And Drug Dealing

Thursday 7 September 2017

The Andrews Labor Government last night passed tough new laws banning synthetic drugs and increasing the penalties for ice dealers.

From 1 November, it will be illegal to produce, sell or advertise any substances that have a psychoactive effect, including synthetic cannabinoids.

Not only do these changes ban the sale and advertising of these drugs, this Act will also ensure that current police search, seizure and forfeiture powers will apply to psychoactive drugs.

Tough new penalties will apply to anyone peddling these drugs, including up to two years in prison or more than $38,000 in fines.

Synthetic drugs are designed to mimic the effects of illicit drugs like cannabis and ecstasy, while trying to avoid existing drug control measures.

They have been linked to hospital emergency admissions and three Victorian deaths over a four-month period between 2013 and 2014.

The Drugs, Poisons and Controlled Substances Miscellaneous Amendment Bill 2017 also includes amendments to crack down on ice dealers.

Dealers will soon face significantly longer sentences with the government cutting:

  • The large commercial traffickable quantities for methylamphetamine from 750g to 500g (when pure) and from 1kg to 750g (when mixed)
  • The commercial traffickable quantities for methylamphetamine from 100g to 50g (when pure) and from 500g to 250g (when mixed).

The Labor Government’s $184 million Ice Action Plan is expanding treatment services, providing more support for families, protecting frontline workers, and giving extra powers to close down manufacturers and make our community safer.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Police Lisa Neville

“Synthetic drugs are dangerous chemical cocktails masquerading as legal highs. These new offences will put an end to their legal presence on Victorian streets.”

“Anyone peddling these life-threatening psychoactive drugs now faces tough punishment including two years jail or more than $37,000 in fines.”

“We are giving police the power to put away ice dealers for longer by reducing the amount of ice required for commercial drug trafficking offences.”