Consulting With Community On Anglesea River Options

Friday 1 April 2016

The Anglesea Futures Community Conversations series is set to continue this month, with a community open house over two days on 29-30 April to detail management options for the Anglesea River.

The open house, established by the Andrews Labor Government, is an opportunity for the local community and those with an interest in the Anglesea River to provide further input for the future management of the river.

Following the closure of the Alcoa power station and mine in August last year, Alcoa continued to pump water into the Anglesea River, to ensure the condition of the river was maintained. This has allowed authorities to plan for the Anglesea River’s long term future.

As per the original agreement pumping of water from Alcoa’s power station and coal mine facility into Anglesea River has ceased. However, natural flows from the catchment into the estuary will continue.

The Anglesea River Estuary Flow Assessment report, released in January 2016, confirms that there is sufficient time for the community and Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELWP) to work toward a long-term option that will secure the estuary's values into the future.

The Labor Government is working alongside the Surf Coast Shire Council to engage with residents, businesses and property owners to understand their views on the future following the closure of Alcoa Anglesea coalmine and power station.

The Anglesea Futures Community Conversations series has provided an important vehicle for community discussion and feedback on a range of issues including future land use, water, planning and the long term vision for the Anglesea Region after the closure of the Alcoa coalmine and power station.

A feasibility study on several options identified by the report is to be completed in time for public discussion at the next Anglesea Futures Community Conversation.

The Anglesea Futures Community Conversations open house will be held on Friday 29 April from 4pm to 8pm and Saturday 30 April from 10am to 3pm at the Anglesea Memorial Hall.

Quotes attributable to the Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“How we manage the Anglesea River in the future is important and we are continuing to assess future management options for the Anglesea River to ensure the environmental and social values of the river are protected.”

“We are working with the local community – their input into the future management of the Anglesea River is critical to securing the estuary's values for the decades to come.”