Connecting Gippsland Businesses To Major Projects

Tuesday 19 June 2018

Gippsland businesses are being encouraged to bid for work on major government contracts being rolled out thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

More than 200 local business representatives attended the Industry Capability Network briefing in Morwell today to learn more about supplying their goods and services to major projects over the coming years.

The briefing included presentations on Victorian Government-led or supported construction projects like Regional Rail Revival, the Gippsland Hi-Tech Precinct and Gippsland Regional Aquatic Centre.

The Labor Government established a dedicated Industry Capability Network representative in the Latrobe Valley in 2017 to help local businesses access opportunities to get work on the state’s biggest projects.

Another industry briefing will be in Sale on Thursday 21 June. To register, visit

The briefings build on new legislation to be introduced into State Parliament today that will create more opportunities for local businesses to supply major projects.

The Victorian Local Jobs First Bill will put local workers and businesses first – mandating minimum local content on major projects, including a 90 per cent minimum on construction projects.

It also mandates the use of local apprentices, trainees and cadets – helping young workers and those reskilling from another industry get the skills they need for the job they want.

The Bill comes in response to the Premier’s Job Summit in 2017, and enshrines the Labor Government’s flagship local jobs policies – the Victorian Industry Participation Policy and the Major Projects Skills Guarantee – in law.

The legislation also establishes the Local Jobs First Commissioner, who will advocate for businesses and workers so they get a greater share of government projects, and oversee compliance.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Industry and Employment Ben Carroll

"When we build the infrastructure, manufacture goods and deliver services that make great communities, we’re creating local jobs and opportunities for local businesses, suppliers and workers."

“No other jurisdiction in Australia sets mandatory targets in legislation – by doing so we’re at the forefront of industry participation – creating thousands of jobs for Victorians and supporting local businesses and industry.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria Harriet Shing

“We are absolutely determined to give our local workers as many opportunities as we can – it’s what Labor Governments do best.”

“We now have a number of significant projects funded and on the go – including the Gippsland Hi-Tech Precinct which will feature 90 per cent local content – and this focus will continue into the future to benefit local workers and businesses.”