Community Walk Honours Lives Lost On Victorian Roads

Sunday 6 May 2018

Victorians who have tragically lost their lives on our roads are being remembered today as Road Trauma Support Services Victoria (RTSSV) hosts its fifth annual community walk

Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan joined Victoria Police, the Transport Accident Commission and RTSSV to launch the walk around Albert Park Lake.

The event marks the end of this year’s Shine a Light on Road Safety campaign, which aims to stop deaths and injuries on our roads and raise money for people impacted by road trauma.

Victoria Police Assistant Commissioner Doug Fryer will lead the walk, which has already raised more than $28,000 for RTSSV.

As part of the campaign, buildings across Victoria from the Bolte Bridge and the Melbourne Town Hall to the Giant Koala in Dadswells Bridge were illuminated in yellow throughout the week.

Victorians also turned their headlights on during the day on Friday May 4 to show their commitment to road safety.

In April, 10 people lost their lives on Victoria’s roads, the lowest number of lives lost in a single month since the TAC started monthly records in July 1951.

So far this year 78 people have lost their lives on Victorian roads, an 11-per-cent drop compared with the same time last year. This is the lowest year-to-date total ever recorded.

The Andrews Labor Government, through VicRoads and the TAC is investing more than $1.3 billion in the Towards Zero Road Safety Strategy, which aims to reduce the number of lives lost on our roads to 200 or fewer by 2020.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Roads and Road Safety Luke Donnellan

“Road trauma has a devastating effect on thousands of Victorians every year – everyone makes mistakes on our roads, but no one should die because of them.”

“We’re all, as a community, working for a future where no one is killed or injured on our roads and this walk is a chance for Victorians to stand together and commit to making our roads safer.”

 Quotes attributable to Samantha Cockfield TAC Lead Director Road Safety:

“We all have a role to play to reach our goal of zero deaths or serious injuries on our roads and while we are making progress Towards Zero there is still a long way to go.”

“It’s important we stop and remember all of the lives lost on Victoria’s roads and think about what we all can do to keep ourselves and others safe.”