Community Heroes Honoured For Saving Lives

Thursday 3 December 2015

Courageous Victorians who stepped in to help fellow Victorians during life threatening emergencies were honoured today at a special ceremony at Parliament House.

Minister for Ambulance Services, Jill Hennessy, presented awards to the 14 recipients of the 16th annual Ambulance Victoria Community Hero Awards.

The Community Hero Awards are an important opportunity to recognise and celebrate everyday Victorians who have helped someone at the scene of a medical emergency.

The awards aim to raise awareness of the importance of first aid and being able to assist others in a medical emergency.

Bystanders are often available immediately at the scene before paramedics first arrive. When bystanders can administer first aid it gives the patient the best chance of recovery or survival.

Survival from a cardiac arrest depends on immediate resuscitation. The faster that those in cardiac arrest receive CPR and defibrillation, the far greater chance of surviving.

The Community Hero Awards also help promote Ambulance Victoria’s educational program 4 Steps for Life Plus.

Since 2000, there have been 229 Victorians recognised with Community Hero Awards. This year there are a further 14 Community Heroes who have been nominated to receive an award.

Among today’s recipients are 11-year-old boys Tom Said and Charlie Lockwood who noticed a boy on the bottom of the pool and swam down to pull him from the water where a lifeguard then performed CPR.

Other recipients include 5-year-old Kai Macquet who dialled his mum to call 000 when his dad became stuck under his car, and Pamela Boyle, who quickly applied a tourniquet to a confronting wound which potentially saved a life.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Ambulance Services Jill Hennessy

“These ordinary Victorians have all performed extraordinary acts of bravery and selflessness to save the lives of others.”

“Medical emergencies can occur anytime, anywhere, when we least expect it.”

“The heroic actions of today’s award recipients are a timely reminder of the importance for all of us to be prepared in case of medical emergencies – being prepared may save your life, or the life of someone you love.”

2015 Community Hero recipients include:

Charlie Lockwood and Tom Said (Traralgon)

While at a school swimming carnival on 13 February 2015, 11-year-old boys Tom Said and Charlie Lockwood noticed a boy on the bottom of the pool and swam down to him.

Getting the attention of a life guard they were able to help pull 8 year old Daniel Carstein from the water. Daniel was unconscious and without a pulse when life guards, an off duty nurse and a parent began CPR.

When paramedics arrived Daniel was conscious and breathing.

Without the quick actions of both boys Daniel may have not survived, but instead was able to return to school the following week.

Charlie and Tom were nominated by MICA Paramedic Ross Salathiel.

Anthony Kennedy (Frankston) and Peter Langley-Bates (Patterson Lakes)

Crayton King was with his wife in the foyer of Carrum train station on 27 March 2015 when he became unwell and suddenly collapsed. Anthony Kennedy abandoned his coffee station nearby to check on Crayton, found him to be in cardiac arrest and commenced CPR.

Train station attendant Peter Langley-Bates arrived at the scene and immediately called Triple Zero (000) before directing train patrons away from the area and alternating CPR with Anthony. The men continued CPR as paramedics assessed Crayton and applied defibrillation. Crayton was conscious and alert when loaded to hospital and has since recovered.

Anthony and Peter were nominated by Advanced Life Support Paramedic Kane Grose.

Pamela Boyle (Mt Martha)

Pamela Boyle was riding with her husband and friends in her regular motorbike group on 25 April 2014 when she came across an accident involving a fellow rider, Cameron Walker.

Cameron had experienced a severe traumatic injury, losing his leg after coming off his bike at high speed.

As other people stopped to help and call Triple Zero (000), Pamela sprang into action. Using her husband’s belt as a tourniquet, Pamela stemmed the loss of blood and potentially saved Cameron’s life.

Cameron has now returned to work and his wife and two children are incredibly grateful to Pamela for her lifesaving actions.

Pamela was nominated by Advance Life Support Paramedic Heather Munro.

The Australian Paper Mill Emergency response Team (Maryvale)

When David Brown collapsed at his workplace on 23 August 2015 he was lucky to be surrounded by co-workers who placed first aid training in high regard.

Recognising David was in cardiac arrest, Australian Paper’s Emergency Response Team put its plan into action. A designated coordinator directed members to implement the chain of survival by calling Triple Zero (000), beginning CPR and retrieving the defibrillator.

This immediate response gave David the best possible chance of survival and recovery.

David is recovering from surgery.

Australian Paper, Maryvale, was nominated by Morwell Ambulance Branch Team Manager Danny Anderson.

Kai Macquet (Navigators)

Justin Macquet was working on his car on 15 June 2015 when the car unexpectedly fell off its stand, trapping him underneath.

Justin called out to his five-year-old son, Kai, who was the only other person at home. The young boy quickly ran to a neighbour’s house for help. Unable to find an adult, Kai ran back and crawled under the car so his dad could teach him how to use his mobile phone.

As Justin was pinned with his arm across his chest, Kai called his mum who then called Triple Zero (000).

Although Kai was very scared, he showed a maturity beyond his years to step in and help, which spared his father from more-severe injuries. Justin is recovering from nerve damage but is expected to make a full recovery.

Kai was nominated by Advanced Life Support Paramedic Jeff Evans.

Gregg Brooks (Daylesford) and Terry Thompson (Seymour)

Gregg Brooks and Terry Thompson were working at a Somerton transport company on 26 March 2015 when they discovered co-worker Ryan Buchanan slumped in his forklift.

Gregg and Terry immediately called Triple Zero (000) and the call taker correctly identified that Ryan was in cardiac arrest.

Having never learnt or administered CPR before, the men began compressions as instructed by the operator, remaining calm throughout the ordeal.

The men’s implementation of the chain of survival has seen Ryan since return to work and continue to be there for his wife and young family.

Gregg and Terry were nominated by MICA Paramedics Simon Ward and Matt Rimmer.

George Brocklesby (Loch), David McFee and Andy McFee (Rhyll), Laura Newstead (Woolamai) and Josh Smith (Cowes)

Arborists Peter Xuereb and Peter MacInnes were abseiling a cliff face at Cape Woolamai to remove boxthorn on 20 July 2015 when their equipment failed.

Both men fell 30 metres to rocks below and suffered critical injuries. A team effort ensued with co-workers Laura Newstead and David McFee keeping both men’s heads above water to ensure they didn’t drown.

Cray boat operator George Brocklesby heard a call for assistance over the radio and promptly headed to the scene. He was met by volunteer lifesaver Josh Smith who had accessed a boat for further assistance in the rescue.

Stepping into the freezing cold water Andy McFee swam to the injured men and helped paramedics load the men on to boats to keep them steady before flight paramedics could winch them to safety and transport them to hospital.

Both men are expected to make a full recovery.

George, David, Andy, Laura and Josh were nominated by MICA Flight Paramedic Darren Hodge.