Climate Change Act Review Recommendations Tabled

Wednesday 10 February 2016

Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water, Lisa Neville today tabled findings of an independent review of the Climate Change Act 2010, as part of the Andrews Labor Government’s work to restore Victoria’s Climate Change Act.

The Labor Government has ruled out a state-based emissions trading framework, as this is a Commonwealth responsibility and also ruled out a shadow carbon price.

Victoria’s Climate Change Act was the most powerful legislative framework by an Australian state for tackling climate change and was one of the first victims of the previous Coalition Government.

The review is the first step in undoing the damage the Coalition did in 2011 and will help restore Victoria as a leader in climate change action. Undertaken last year, it received a large number of public submissions.

The Committee has made 33 recommendations on how the Act can be strengthened, including a five-year Climate Change Strategy and improved decision making across government to best prepare Victoria for a low carbon economy.

To complement the review the Government is also working on a whole of government Victorian Climate Change Framework, to be released in 2016. The Framework will be developed through community consultation and will help support the Government’s response to the Climate Change Act 2010 review.

For more information, and to obtain a copy of the Independent Review of the Climate Change Act 2010 report go to

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Climate Change and Water Lisa Neville

“This was an important review that will ensure Victoria is well positioned to deal with the challenges of climate change and I thank the Independent Review Committee for their comprehensive and thorough work.”

“We want to transition our economy to reduce emissions, in ways that helps Victoria grow and increase jobs and this review will help us identify these opportunities.”

“The previous Liberal government did nothing for four years, we will make sure we protect communities and the environment, avoid costs to the economy, drive innovation and strongly position Victoria in a low-carbon economy.”

Quotes attributable to Martijn Wilder AM Chair of the Independent Review Committee

“Our Review found that the current Climate Change Act does not meet the current and future needs of Victoria, when responding to climate change.”

“We would like to thank the Victorians that took the time to submit to the review. The Review Committee received 103 unique submissions and a further 1556 campaign submissions, all of which were taken into consideration when we developed the Review recommendations.”