Chair To Oversee Transition New Water Entity In The West

Thursday 12 November 2020 at 4:34 am

The transition of City West Water and Western Water into a new entity – Greater Western Water – will be overseen by leading water sector expert Cheryl Bagatol, alongside a committee of representatives from both boards.

Minister for Water Lisa Neville announced Ms Batagol will Chair the Joint Transition Committee (JTC), which will meet tonight for the first time, and be responsible for planning the integration of the two water corporations.

The new water provider, Greater Western Water, will begin on 1 July 2021 – creating jobs and lowering bills, to help the region recover from the impacts of coronavirus on Victoria’s economy.

Ms Batagol brings a wealth of water sector and governance experience to the transition team - most recently the Chair of the Environment Protection Agency Victoria (EPA) - and with a long history of Director and Chair roles on Victorian water corporations.

In addition to Ms Batagol, there will be strong and equal representation from both boards. Western Water will be represented by current board members Jane Doolan, Liza McDonald, and Les McLean with CWW Board members Bruce Cohen, Tania Fryer and Sawsan Howard completing the membership.

The JTC will work with the community within the service areas of CWW and WW to help shape the new entity to deliver long-term, sustainable outcomes for the Victorian community.

The formation of Greater Western Water follows work by the Victorian Government, City West Water, Western Water and Melbourne Water to identify the best way to cater for population growth in the region and deliver high quality, affordable water services.

The new entity will have the financial resources and staff to cope with the growth and demand for new water infrastructure in the region – supporting jobs and economic activity.

Without integration, bills for Western Water customers would have continued to rise.  By 2029, current WW annual bills will be on average $164 cheaper than they are now, and nearly $500 cheaper than they would have been without integration. City West Water customers will also see their annual bills fall by up to $110. 

Quotes attributable to Minister for Water Lisa Neville

“Cheryl Batagol has a wealth of experience both in the water sector and across government – making her the perfect choice to lead the integration of City West Water and Western Water into Greater Western Water.”

“The Joint Transition Committee will be responsible for engaging and consulting with key stakeholders and the broader community – as we work towards providing better water infrastructure, prices and jobs for the Western region.”

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