Celebrating The Impact Of Women In Resources

Thursday 22 July 2021

The outstanding contribution of women in the resources industry have been celebrated through the Victorian Women in Resources Awards.

Hosted by the Minerals Council of Australia and supported by the AusIMM Women in Mining Network Victoria, the awards recognise individual achievement and company efforts to increase gender diversity across mining operations, within corporate offices and across the mining equipment, technology, and services sector.

Minister for Resources Jaclyn Symes attended the virtual awards ceremony last night and presented this year’s awards.

Director and principal consultant Laura Chibnall was awarded the Exceptional Woman in Resources Award for her work at Ensolve. She has worked extensively in the exploration and mining industry across Australia, including over half of her career working on operational mine sites.

Yan Lim joined Stawell Gold Mines in 2019 and has become the Health and Safety Environment and Community Advisor. Her leadership role includes responsibility for the Mines’ bioreactor, which contributes to the company’s rehabilitation activities and regulator confidence – earning her the Exceptional Young Woman in Resources Award.

Elisabeth Viklund has been named this year’s Outstanding Trade Operator or Technician for her work for Mandalay Resources. A highly skilled underground operator, Elisabeth initially began work with Costerfield as a truck driver, and soon obtained licences supporting her career growth.

Nikki Hartrey has been awarded the Gender Diversity Champion award for her work at Fosterville Gold Mine encouraging a more diverse intake of apprentices and trainees and developing a more inclusive recruitment process for women, mature age and indigenous jobseekers. She developed the Gender Equity Consultation Kick-Off (GECKO) program, which has significantly improved outcomes for female employees at Fosterville.

Each winner will be a category finalist in the Women in Resources National Awards to be held in September.

The Victorian Women in Resources Awards are an important step toward greater workplace gender equality and a more vibrant and successful sector.

The Andrews Labor Government is backing these efforts with the Prospects Partnership with the AusIMM as part of its Mineral Resources Strategy, State of Discovery.

The partnership includes the annual Women on Boards Scholarships, which aims to boost the number of women with science and technology knowledge who are sitting on the boards of resources companies.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Resources Jaclyn Symes

“Congratulations to Laura, Yan, Elisabeth and Nikki for their outstanding achievements – their passion and ambition in their roles is inspiring.”

“These awards go a long way in encouraging women to join our booming and diverse resources sector and to pursue a promising career within it.”

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