- Published:
- Thursday 12 December 2024
The biggest day on the Victorian Certificate of Education (VCE) calendar has begun, with tens of thousands of students receiving their official results from 7am today.
Deputy Premier and Minister for Education Ben Carroll today congratulated the 61,998 students who will graduate this year with their VCE, including 8,250 VCE Vocational Major graduates who gained practical experience in one or more industries through VET studies.
More than 22,700 VCE graduates have received study scores of 40 or higher, more than 688 have received the maximum study score of 50, and 3,160 students have been awarded the VCE Baccalaureate.
The overall VCE completion rate in Victoria was 97.4 per cent and Year 12 students across the state will now make the choice to go to university, TAFE, start an apprenticeship or traineeship, start working or take some time off.
Additionally, more than 1,100 students received the Victorian Pathways Certificate (VPC) – a pathway that prepares students for future studies or entry into the workforce.
VCE results and Australian Tertiary Admission Rankings (ATARs) are available from 7am today for students who registered to access their results online at resultsandatar.vic.edu.au/results/applicants.
Students with questions about their results can call the Post Results and ATAR Service on 9637 3877 or 1800 653 080.
Quotes attributable to Deputy Premier and Minister for Education Ben Carroll
“Congratulations to every student – you should be proud of everything you’ve already achieved as you move to the next exciting step, whether it be further study, training, the workforce or a gap year.”
“Having access to world-class education, our Victorian students become lifelong learners with endless possibilities ahead of them.”
Quotes attributable to Minister for Training and Skills Gayle Tierney
"Whether students have just completed VCE, VCE Vocational Major or want to learn more workforce-ready skills, TAFE is a fantastic option to get an in-demand qualification. And with Free TAFE, you can study one of more than 80 eligible courses with no course fees."
2024 results snapshot
- VCE completion rate is 97.4 per cent
- 61,998 students completed VCE
- 477 schools offered the VCE VM in 2024, a 4 per cent increase from last year
- 13.3% of VCE completers were VCE Vocational Major students
- 1,105 students were awarded the Victorian Pathways Certificate
- 3,160 students will be awarded the VCE Baccalaureate
- 258,529 study scores were issued to students
- 22,795 study scores of 40 or above (8.8 per cent)
- 688 study scores of the maximum 50 (0.3 per cent)
General Achievement Test Stats
- 83,897 students (95 per cent) met the standards in Reading
- 85,862 students (98 per cent) met the standards in Writing
- 82,524 students (93 per cent) met the standards in Numeracy