Cardinia Road Level Crossing Gone Months Ahead Of Schedule

Monday 7 December 2020

The dangerous and congested Cardinia Road level crossing is now gone for good, months ahead of schedule, with cars now travelling over the new road bridge as the state’s 44th level crossing is removed.

The new road bridge at Cardinia Road reduces congestion and improves safety for the more than 23,000 vehicles that travelled through the level crossing each day, where boom gates held up traffic for a third of the morning peak.

More than 500 community members provided feedback on the open space the project has created – and works will start early in the new year to deliver a new shared path, multipurpose sport and play area, seating, bike racks and hundreds of new trees for local families to enjoy.

The Andrews Labor Government is continuing work on a massive pipeline of projects along the Pakenham line to get people in Melbourne’s south-east home sooner and safer – with planning now underway for a new train station at Pakenham East, extending the metropolitan rail track by two kilometres to boost connections for the community.

The extension and new station will be delivered as part of work to remove level crossings at McGregor Road, Racecourse Road and Main Street in Pakenham – which will be removed with a raised rail line, opening up new space for community use.

The community will also benefit from a new premium Pakenham station, providing better connections for both metropolitan and regional train services, better infrastructure to reduce delays on Metro and V/Line services and along with upgraded passenger facilities.

Major demolition, piling and electrical works will also begin over summer at Hallam Road, where the level crossing will be removed by building a rail bridge and a brand-new Hallam Station.

Early works to remove the Clyde Road, Berwick level crossing are also underway – with major works to kick off next year on the road underpass and bus interchange at Berwick Station. Temporary rail and road closures in January and February will allow crews to drill more than 300 piles 29 metres into the ground to support the structure.

Cardinia Road is the 10th of 17 level crossings to be removed from the Pakenham line as part of the Labor Government’s $15 billion investment on the line. Alongside the Metro Tunnel and new bigger, better trains, the project is creating space for 121,000 extra peak passengers every week on the Cranbourne and Pakenham lines.

For more information, including road and rail disruptions, visit 

Quote attributable to Minister for Transport Infrastructure Jacinta Allan

“We promised to ease congestion and make the Pakenham community safer by removing level crossings – we’re well ahead of schedule, with Cardinia Road becoming our 44th dangerous and congested crossing gone for good.”

Quote attributable to Member for Bass Jordan Crugnale     

“Removing the Cardinia Road level crossing is fantastic news for locals who will now get home sooner and safer. And we’re not slowing down, with three more Pakenham crossings to go by 2024.”

Quote attributable to Member for Narre Warren North Luke Donnellan

“As the Hallam community continues to grow, removing the Hallam Road level crossing and building a new Hallam Station is critical.”

Quote attributable to Member for Narre Warren South Gary Maas                                                   

“The Clyde Road level crossing holds up vital emergency service vehicles travelling to and from local hospitals - it has got to go.”

201207 - Cardinia Road Level Crossing Gone Months Ahead Of Schedule.pdf
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