Carbon Reduction Tech Boosting Job Creation In The Valley

Friday 30 July 2021

The Andrews Labor Government is backing projects and research that reduces emissions and uses our valuable resources to create new industries and jobs in Gippsland.

Minister for Resources Jaclyn Symes was in the Latrobe Valley today to meet the people already working in roles created by the opportunities associated with the Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain (HESC) and CarbonNet projects.

Hydrogen is now being produced at the HESC trial site alongside the Loy Yang coal mine. The CarbonNet project will underpin clean commercial hydrogen production should both projects be commercialised.

A recent report produced by EY estimates that the new industries CarbonNet could support may deliver up to 3,000 construction jobs and then up to 1,000 ongoing operational jobs from 2030.

Capturing, transporting and storing carbon dioxide (Co2) emissions underground can enable the decarbonisation of current and future industries. Deep under Bass Strait in natural geological formations, CarbonNet’s Pelican site could store the equivalent emissions from more than one million cars each year for 25 years.

The EY report’s job numbers are conservative and based on a medium scenario of CarbonNet enabling the clean production of hydrogen, fertiliser and waste to energy.

Carbon capture and storage is a proven process with over 20 sites around the world successfully operating at a commercial scale. In Victoria, CO2 has been successfully stored for a decade at the Otway CO2CRC research facility.

CarbonNet expects to undertake an Environmental Effects Statement (EES) assessment process in the next 12 months, which will include community consultation. The ESS process will allow CarbonNet to demonstrate its credentials and give communities an opportunity to have their voices heard.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Resources Jaclyn Symes

“Seeing what these projects can do is really exciting – they mean new jobs, new industries and clear action on reducing our carbon footprint.”

“The Latrobe Valley is the perfect place to host these promising projects, with plenty of locals keen to learn new technologies, share that knowledge and help Gippsland make its mark on the world as a leader in these fields.”

Quote attributable to Committee for Gippsland CEO Tony Cantwell

“CarbonNet can be an important enabler for job creation in our region – their work is underpinning our goal of creating a clean hydrogen hub and supporting the transition of the Latrobe Valley and Gippsland.”

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