Car Park Key To More Affordable Housing In Port Phillip

Monday 6 July 2020

The City of Port Phillip community will have better access to housing with a new plan to turn a local car park into affordable apartments for families, single people and people with a disability.

Minister for Housing Richard Wynne announced the Victorian Government, in partnership with HousingFirst and City of Port Phillip Council, will build 46 affordable housing apartments, close to shops and public transport on the Balaclava site.

Under the $22 million partnership, Council will provide the land, in exchange for it being developed as affordable housing. Clever design means nearby businesses and shoppers will still have access to a public car park when a replacement is completed underneath the apartment complex.

Port Phillip Housing Trust trustee HousingFirst will develop and manage the property, except for the basement car park and expanded nearby Balaclava Walk, which will remain Council’s responsibility.

There will also be a mix of tenants eligible for the homes, including people over 55 and people with disability. The project includes several “twin key” apartments, which are two neighbouring apartments with an additional shared entrance. These apartments provide more space for larger families or a second room if a tenant requires a carer.

The new project is funded through the Victorian Government’s $2.7 billion Building Works package, which includes nearly $500 million for public and community housing initiatives to kickstart Victoria’s economy and create thousands of jobs across the state.

Quote attributable to the Minister for Housing Richard Wynne

“Our Building Works investment will refurbish, upgrade and build more than 23,000 properties across the state, making sure Victorians have the safe and affordable housing support they need.”

Quote attributable to the Member for Albert Park Martin Foley

These innovative and affordable apartments will mean people in our Port Phillip community, who may be struggling to keep a roof over their head will have access to the housing they deserve – we’re proud to support them.”

Quote attributable to the City of Port Phillip Mayor Bernadene Voss

“This development couldn’t have happened without the Victorian Government’s funding. The is a great example of what can be achieved when local government works with the State and housing associations to provide much needed housing in our backyard and we hope more partnerships will follow.”

Quote attributable to HousingFirst CEO Haleh Homaei

“There is already a wonderful sense of community in this part of St Kilda, which will be enhanced by the careful planning, sensitive design, and high-quality community building initiatives we will bring to this project.”

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