Calling Out Family Violence During Coronavirus

Monday 11 May 2020

Victorians are being urged to be alert and call out any early warning signs of family violence during the coronavirus pandemic in a new ad campaign from the Victorian Government and Respect Victoria.

Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams today launched Respect Each Other: ‘Call It Out’. The campaign reminds families, friends, neighbours and communities that we need to work together to prevent family violence during this challenging time – and call it out when we see it.

While physical distancing is vital to slowing the spread of coronavirus, we know it can difficult for people, especially those who may already be experiencing or at risk of family violence.

With more Victorians staying at home than ever before, it’s important for family, friends and neighbours to stay educated about the early warning signs of family violence and to reject the idea that there’s ever an excuse for it.

The campaign is also a timely reminder to Victorians that support is out there if you need it – all our services are open and are there to help.

Respect Each Other: Call It Out will launch across metropolitan, regional and rural television, radio and Spotify, as well as major digital and social media channels in the coming week. The campaign will also run in Arabic, Chinese, Greek, Italian, and Vietnamese in some of these key channels.

The Victorian Government recently announced a $40.2 million investment for crisis accommodation and specialist services for people suffering or at risk of family violence.

It includes $20 million in short-term accommodation for family violence victim survivors who do not feel safe isolating or recovering from coronavirus at home and another $20.2 million to help Victorian family violence services meet the expected increase in demand during the coronavirus pandemic.

For help and support, visit or call safesteps 24/7 on 1800 015 188. To find out more visit

Quotes attributable to Minister for Prevention of Family Violence Gabrielle Williams

We understand social isolation and physical distancing is extremely difficult but there’s never an excuse for family violence – as community we need to call it out and take care of each other during this difficult period.”

“We want Victorians to know that help is there if you need it – if you’re experiencing, at risk of, or witness any kind of family violence – please out for reach out for help and support.”

Quote attributable to Respect Victoria CEO Tracey Gaudry

The way we support our family, friends, neighbours and community during this time matters. Together, while we’re flattening the curve we can educate ourselves about the warning signs of violence and call it out when we see it.”

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