Call To Honour Victoria’s Inspiring Seniors

Sunday 17 April 2016

The 2016 Victorian Senior of the Year Awards will feature a new award to celebrate and honour the outstanding work that organisations and business are doing to create age-friendly communities.

Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing, Martin Foley, today encouraged Victorians to nominate older volunteers for the 2016 awards, which will be presented at a special Government House reception in October as part of this year’s Victorian Seniors Festival.

These awards celebrate the diversity amongst people aged 60 and over who support and inspire others around their community through their dedicated volunteer work.

Organisations are also invited to nominate for the new Age-Friendly Victoria Award that recognises excellence in creating age-friendly communities, promoting active ageing or improving quality of life and inclusion for older people.

Categories for this year’s awards are:

  • Premier’s Award for Victorian Senior of the Year
  • Veteran Community Awards
  • Promotion of Multiculturalism Award
  • Healthy and Active Living Award
  • COTA Senior Achiever Awards
  • Age-Friendly Victoria Award

Last year Peter Hopper was presented with the prestigious Premier’s Award for Victorian Senior of the Year for his advocacy for people living with a disability and older people and for his work with Aboriginal youth and education.

The nomination period opens today and will close on 30 June 2016.

To find out more about nominating a worthy senior for the Victorian Senior of the Year Awards or to nominate your organisation for the new Age-Friendly Victoria Award, visit Seniors Online at or call Seniors Information Victoria on 1300 135 090.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing, Disability and Ageing, Martin Foley

“These awards celebrate the dedicated seniors of our state that do so much for other people and their community.”

“If you know an older person that dedicates their time to helping others, why not put in a nomination for them and give them the recognition they deserve.”

 “The new Age-Friendly Victoria Award recognises excellence of a particular organisation in building an age-friendly Victoria.”