Call To Comment On Out-Dated Adoption Laws

Tuesday 30 August 2016

Victorians are encouraged to comment on further changes to Victoria’s adoption laws.

Late last year, Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos announced a Victorian Law Reform Commission (VLRC) review of adoption laws to:

  • Promote the best interests of children, their rights and their ongoing needs
  • Align with other key pieces of Victorian legislation
  • Better reflect a contemporary understanding of family and community.

The review fulfils an election promise and builds on the Andrews Labor Government’s existing changes to adoption laws, which removed discriminatory and unnecessary provisions.

These include removing barriers to adoption by same-sex couples, which will come into effect this Thursday, and amendments that repealed contact statements.

Victorians are encouraged to make submissions on the VLRC’s consultation paper, released on 10 August, to have their say on issues such as:

  • How relationship status and living arrangements affect a person or couple’s eligibility to adopt
  • How an adopted person’s identity is reflected on their birth certificate and other related issues
  • How to provide for the best interests of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander children
  • Post-adoption support.

Submissions on changes to the Adoption Act 1984 are due by 16 September and can be made here.  The VLRC is expected to complete the review by 28 February 2017.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos

“The review provides an important opportunity to modernise Victoria’s adoption laws that are more than 30 years old and recognise that families are unique and varied.”

“The Andrews Labor Government has already made significant changes to the Adoption Act to modernise an out-dated law – and ensure it reflects modern day values.”