Business Consultation Helps Shape Path Out Of Pandemic

Monday 20 September 2021

A comprehensive program of consultation between the Victorian Government and business and industry continued today as the state embarks on the next steps along the path to re-opening.

Minister for Small Business Jaala Pulford chaired two roundtables with leaders from bodies representing thousands of businesses in sectors ranging from retail to construction and meat processing.

Victoria’s Roadmap to Deliver the National Plan released on Sunday sets out key vaccination thresholds based on public health advice that will trigger greater freedoms while guarding against our hospitals becoming overrun.

Elements including vaccination requirements for selected industries will be finalised progressively as we move to 70 per cent, and then 80 per cent vaccination, and engagement with employer groups and unions will be an important part of these processes.

Leaders from the Victorian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, the Australian Industry Group, the Victorian Trades Hall Council, the Master Builders Association, the Property Council, the Australian Hotels Association and the Victoria Tourism Industry Council were among the peak bodies invited to today’s roundtables.

Invitations were also extended to the Australian Retailers Association, Kinaway Chamber of Commerce, the Australian Meat industry Council and the Australian Hairdressing Council, among other bodies.

Industry specific roundtables will also be scheduled, taking in sectors such as tourism, building and construction, retail, hospitality and creative industries.

Financial support for Victorian businesses will continue as we move steadily and with a clear plan towards re-opening, including up to $2.34 billion in a package jointly-funded by the Victorian and Commonwealth governments for September. Further support will be confirmed in due course.

All eligible businesses in a regional local government area under lockdown will receive Business Costs Assistance Program and Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund payments for the last two weeks of September – along with more than 100,000 metropolitan businesses.

In recognition of ongoing patron and density limits, Licensed Hospitality Venue Fund payments will be made across the state for the period 17-30 September, regardless of location.

In addition to automatic Business Costs Assistance Program payments in Melbourne, the City of Greater Geelong, Surf Coast Shire and Mitchell Shire, payments under BCAP will be made for the next two weeks to eligible regional businesses outside these areas.

Eligible businesses include hospitality and accommodation operations, gyms, hair and nail salons, and tourism and events-related businesses – the full list of eligible ANZSIC codes is available on the Business Victoria website.

For full information on all business support grants, go to or call 13 22 15.

Quote attributable to Minister for Small Business Jaala Pulford

We’re on the road out of this pandemic together and it’s important that all voices are heard – business and industry will play a key role as we move with purpose towards a re-opening of the economy.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Industry Support and Recovery Martin Pakula

“Support levels for businesses have increased in recent packages, acknowledging that impacts vary according to worker numbers and other factors. We’ll continue to be responsive in the crucial weeks ahead.”

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