Building Works: Social Housing For Aboriginal Victorians

Thursday 21 May 2020

The Victorian Government is boosting Aboriginal social housing through a building blitz that will deliver new homes and dozens of repairs, upgrades and maintenance work for existing properties.

The Government is investing almost $500 million to public and community housing as part of the $2.7 billion Building Works package, which will kickstart Victoria’s economy and create thousands of jobs across the state.

That includes funding for Aboriginal Housing Victoria sites in Hampton Park and Dandenong, creating 12 homes, as well as $35 million for upgrades, maintenance and repairs of existing Aboriginal social housing.

The housing stimulus package will put people in work and shovels in the ground immediately, with all social housing projects to be started within at least the next six months.

It will provide modern, comfortable and accessible accommodation for Aboriginal Victorians who need assistance with safe and stable housing.

The Government is working directly with Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations to deliver this significant investment towards self-determination of housing outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians.

The focus will be on providing care for those most vulnerable, including women and children escaping family violence, people with disability and older Aboriginal Victorians.

The package is on top of funding to build new housing options for people leaving the justice system, helping them reintegrate into society, as well as people experiencing homelessness. This investment will work to address overrepresentation of Aboriginal Victorians in the State’s justice system and homelessness service system.

This adds to the $5.3 million Mana-na worn-tyeen maar-takoort (Every Aboriginal Person Has a Home) initiative to drive improvements to Victoria’s Aboriginal social housing sector within a generation.

The development of a highly capable, culturally fit Aboriginal housing and homelessness sector is essential to changing the trajectory away from housing stress and homelessness towards collective and individual ownership of land and housing.

Quote attributable to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Gabrielle Williams

“Now more than ever, home means security, stability and staying safe – this will deliver more culturally safe housing options for Aboriginal people across the state, while creating jobs and supporting families through the pandemic.”

Quote attributable to Minister for Housing Richard Wynne

“The Building Works investment will refurbish, upgrade and build more than 23,000 properties across the state, making sure Victorians – including Aboriginal Victorians – have the safe and stable housing support they need.”

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