Building The Education State In Wyndham

Friday 11 September 2015

The Andrews Labor Government is refurbishing schools in Wyndham and giving students the best chance in life.

Minister for Education James Merlino was joined by Member for Werribee Tim Pallas, and Member for Tarneit, Telmo Languiller to visit Werribee Secondary College and Tarneit P-9 College to discuss their refurbishment plans, as part of a tour of schools in Wyndham and surrounds.

The $7 million secured by Werribee Secondary College in the 2015-16 Victorian Budget will fund the building of new classrooms and science facilities and a new global learning centre which will connect the school with other students around the country and around the world.

Tarneit P-9 College secured $10 million in the Budget, which will be spent on replacing relocatable classrooms with new facilities. This includes an Innovation Centre where students will study the technologies of the future like robotics.

The Budget invests almost $4 billion in Victoria’s education and skills system – representing the single biggest boost to education funding in Victoria’s history.

The Budget provides $325 million to renovate, refurbish or rebuild 67 schools. It will fund the first stage of an extensive asbestos removal program so that families can be assured their children are being educated in safe schools.

It also includes $180 million for programs that will help families cover the extra costs of education, like camps, excursions and uniforms, so no child misses out. 

Hundreds of Victorians shared their ideas and experiences in the Education State consultations which concluded earlier this month. Announcements about future education initiatives will be made in the coming months.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

 “We’re refurbishing Werribee Secondary College and Tarneit P-9 College and giving its students the safe, modern and comfortable classrooms that they need to learn.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Werribee, Tim Pallas

 “We were elected with a commitment to making Victoria the Education State, and we’re getting on with the job of doing exactly that and investing in Victoria’s future.

Quote attributable to Member for Tarneit, Telmo Languiller

“Wyndham schools are a great example of how Victorian children are being supported to reach their full potential, no matter what their background.”