Building Better Schools For South-Western Victorian Kids

Friday 20 April 2018

Kids across Victoria’s south-west will get the world-class schools they deserve, as the Andrews Labor Government gets on with the job of fixing, upgrading and modernising Victoria’s schools.

The Labor Government has today announced that the Victorian Budget 2018/19 will invest $180.8 million to build and upgrade 60 regional schools. Across the south-west, $19.4 million will go towards building, upgrading and modernising schools including:

  • $900,000 for Derrinallum P-12 College
  • $110,000 for Lismore Primary School
  • $950,000 for Mortlake P-12 College
  • $2 million for Hawkesdale P-12 College
  • $600,000 for Heywood District Secondary College
  • $250,000 for Warrnambool West Primary School

This comes on top of the recently announced $14.6 million for Warrnambool Special Developmental School to completely rebuild this school and give students the facilities they deserve.

This boost to regional school funding will upgrade classrooms and school facilities across Victoria, helping teachers and giving more students the support they need to get the 21st century education they deserve.

The Victorian School Building Authority will now start working with schools to determine the scope of their upgrades and how they can best be delivered.

The Labor Government is building the Education State so every Victorian student can get a great education and every community has access to a great local school.

Since 2014, the Labor Government has invested $775 million in regional school infrastructure. This contrasts with the Liberals and Nationals who let our regional schools crumble and decay, while slashing $1 billion from the education budget and axing the Educational Maintenance Allowance and School Start Bonus.

Quote attributable to Minister for Education James Merlino

“No matter where you live in Victoria, students deserve to have a great school – we’re getting on with rebuilding schools across our state to give hard working families the facilities they deserve.”

Quote attributable to Member for Western Victoria Gayle Tierney

“We’re upgrading schools right across South-West Victoria to make sure they have the best classrooms and the best facilities. Unlike the Liberals who cut, the Labor Government will always put hard working families first.”