Budj Bim Heritage A Priority

Friday 10 July 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has reaffirmed its commitment to seeing the Budj Bim Cultural Landscape, home to the Gunditjmara people for thousands of years, listed as a UNESCO World Heritage site.

Visiting today, Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins said that the Labor Government would continue advocating for the Federal Government to include the Budj Bim Cultural landscape on the World Heritage list.

Premier Daniel Andrews recently wrote to Federal Environment Minister Greg Hunt reaffirming that Budj Bim should be included on Australia’s World Heritage Tentative List due to its internationally significant Aboriginal cultural heritage.

Ms Hutchins also met with the Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation, the Registered Aboriginal Party responsible for managing and protecting local Aboriginal cultural heritage.

The Budj Bim Cultural Landscape was included in the National Heritage List in 2004.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins

"The environment and heritage of Budj Bim is unique, and the relationship of the Gunditjmara people with this land is long and enduring. The Andrews Labor Government fully supports World Heritage listing for this special place.”

“We will continue working in partnership with the Gunditj Mirring Traditional Owners Aboriginal Corporation and the Federal Government to make this a reality.”