Boosting Safety And Reliability On Swan Hill Line

Monday 24 June 2019

The Swan Hill train line is undergoing a four-and-a-half-day blitz of track, signal and structure improvement works thanks to the Andrews Labor Government, helping the line maintain its strong levels of reliability.

More than 50 V/Line staff and contractors commenced $3 million worth of upgrades and maintenance on Friday afternoon and will work through until Tuesday before trains return to service on Wednesday morning.

Crews have constructed a new concrete bridge deck and are currently re-laying the track over the top of the bridge over the Waranga Western Irrigation Channel near Tandarra.

The McCallum Street and Pental Island Road level crossings in Swan Hill are undergoing major upgrades to signalling and train detection technology – with McCallum Street receiving boom barriers to boost safety for drivers.

This will also allow them to operate more efficiently, reducing the risk of disruptions due to signal faults while ensuring the crossings still operate safely.

Crews are also replacing sleepers on five rail bridges in Kerang and Tragowel and distributing additional ballast along the line providing a smoother ride for passengers.

This upgrade will ensure trains are running on good foundations through crucial parts of the Swan Hill line and will reduce the risk of disruptions caused by infrastructure faults.

Passengers travelling towards Swan Hill are able to catch a train from Melbourne to Bendigo, connecting with coaches between Bendigo and Swan Hill from now until Tuesday 25 June while works take place.

Coaches are replacing trains for the entire journey for passengers travelling from Swan Hill line stations towards Melbourne. Taxis are also replacing trains for all or part of the journey for Eaglehawk passengers.

Passengers are encouraged to allow an extra 30 minutes for their journey. Bendigo and Echuca services will not be affected by these works.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Melissa Horne

“Our program of continual maintenance and renewal works is vital to keep the regional train network moving effectively, delivering a more comfortable and reliable journey for passengers.”

“These works will create a smoother ride for passengers and help future proof the consistently high reliability of the Swan Hill line.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Mark Gepp

“I thank passengers for their patience while we got on with the job of improving the network – every little bit of work counts towards delivering a better public transport system for everyone.”