Boosting Kinder Places In Drouin

Thursday 11 August 2016

Minister for Families and Children Jenny Mikakos today opened the new Drouin Primary School Early Learning Centre.

The new early learning centre offers 44 places for children in its four-year-old kindergarten program, and that means more locals can access the Kindergarten education they deserve. The project received a $650,000 Victorian Government grant.

The centre sits side by side with the Drouin Primary School, which means children will enjoy a smooth transition from the kindergarten playroom to primary school.

The Drouin Primary School Early Learning Centre brings family services, childcare and kindergarten under the one roof, and comes complete with maternal and child health consulting rooms and areas for playgroups to meet.

Making Victoria the Education State begins with giving young Victorians the best start in life. Research shows that children reap the benefits at school and beyond from attending quality early childhood education services.

The Andrews Labor Government is delivering $83.7 million over four years to support improved child-to-educator ratios. It means staff have more opportunities to give children the individual care and attention they deserve.

The Labor Government is investing $60 million to build and upgrade kindergartens and children’s centres, including $10 million earmarked for Victoria’s fastest growing areas.

The Drouin Primary School Early Learning Centre has also received a grant of $1,500 to purchase a new tablet and television to enhance their digital learning programs.

It was funded in partnership with the Baw Baw Shire Council.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Families and Children, Jenny Mikakos

“We know that participating in early childhood services and kinder makes a big difference to children’s lives, and we’re working to ensure all Victorian children enjoy the benefits of these great programs.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Eastern Victoria, Harriet Shing

“This fantastic new centre will meet demand for services and give families the quality facilities and programs their kids deserve.”

“Having the early learning centre side by side with the Drouin Primary School will give young kinder kids a smooth transition to prep.”