Boost For Aboriginal Housing Services

Friday 19 May 2023

The Andrews Labor Government is investing more than $5.4 million to create better outcomes for First Nations Victorians, with expanded access to public housing and private rental properties.

Minister for Housing Colin Brooks announced the funding at the Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Forum in Melbourne.

From July, the Aboriginal Private Rental Assistance Program (APRAP) will be expanded into four additional areas identified by the Aboriginal Housing and Homelessness Framework. The existing five APRAP sites across Victoria have delivered many positive outcomes, helping Aboriginal Victorians secure and maintain homes in the private rental market.

Now more Aboriginal Victorians will have access to this essential support with APRAP services expanded to Goulburn, Outer Gippsland, Brimbank Melton and Bayside Peninsula.

Under the Labor Government’s landmark $5.3 billion Big Housing Build, 10 per cent of all new social housing be will built for Aboriginal Victorians. Over 200 homes have been funded to be managed by the Aboriginal housing sector, with more under evaluation.

The Government has also approved in principle the Aboriginal Public Housing Transfer Management Pilot starting in targeted areas. Aboriginal public housing renters will have the option to transfer housing tenancy management from Homes Victoria to a registered Aboriginal community housing provider.

This will allow Aboriginal renters to receive enhanced culturally safe service provision, greater choice, flexibility, and control over who manages their tenancy. Homes Victoria will continue to work with Aboriginal communities to progress the pilot.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Housing Colin Brooks

We’re delighted to announce funding to expand the essential work of Aboriginal Community Controlled Organisations and the Aboriginal Private Rental Assistance Program, so more Aboriginal Victorians can secure and maintain homes in public housing and in the private rental market across the state.”

“I want to thank our partners at Rumbalara in Goulburn, Gippsland and East Gippsland Aboriginal Co-operative in Outer Gippsland, the Victorian Aboriginal Child Care Agency in Brimbank, Melbourne and Ngwala in Bayside Peninsula for the tremendous work they’re doing to create better outcomes for Aboriginal Victorians.”

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