Better Public Transport For Caroline Springs

Tuesday 19 May 2020

People living in Caroline Springs will have better connections to trains to and from the city, thanks to the Andrews Labor Government.

Minister for Public Transport Melissa Horne today announced from 12 July, Route 462 buses will be extended to Caroline Springs Station for the first time, while Route 460 buses will have a brand-new timetable.

Changes to Route 462 will give passengers living along this route a connection to Metro trains at Watergardens Station and V/Line trains at Caroline Springs Station.

The frequency of Route 462 will be increased to every 20 minutes in the peak and every 40 minutes during the week, while there will be an updated timetable on weekends.

The changes will improve access by bus for students at Brookside College, Creekside College and Lakeview College to get to school using public transport.

Route 460 bus timetables are being updated to reflect local traffic conditions, which will provide passengers more reliable running times.

These changes will be introduced from 12 July 2020, with full information available in June at

While public transport continues to run, there are only five reasons to leave home – shopping for food and supplies, care and caregiving, exercise, and study or work and visiting friends and family – with a maximum gathering of up to ten outdoors and up to five visitors in your home.

If you must travel on public transport, Victorians are asked to try and travel outside of the peak to increase physical distance.

Don’t travel if you are unwell, practice good hand hygiene and maximise the distance between yourself and other passengers where possible.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Public Transport Melissa Horne

“We’re investing in the bus services that mean so much to people living in the outer suburbs, connecting them to the places they need to go.”

“These upgrades will give locals more options to get to the city, offering them more than one train service to get into town.”

Quote attributable to Member for Kororoit Marlene Kairouz

“So many locals rely on the bus to get to school, the shops and train services to the city, which is why I’m proud we’re providing this vital connection.”

Quote attributable to Member for Sydenham Natalie Hutchins

“We’re improving the bus network and making it easier for people to get to the station, to school, or where they need to go.”

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