Better Care And Jobs: Work Begins On Wangaratta Hospital

Thursday 15 April 2021

Work is underway on a bigger and better Wangaratta Hospital, which will deliver around 60 new jobs and ensure people living in Victoria’s northeast can access the high-quality and safe care they need, closer to home.

Minister for Health Martin Foley and Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes today announced the $22.9 million project is on track to be completed in November 2022.

Operated by Northeast Health Wangaratta, the project will deliver a 12-bed critical care unit, an eight-bed short stay unit, a new paediatric ward and additional medical beds to create two 20-bed medical units.

To meet future demand and ensure shorter waiting times for patients needing urgent care, the redevelopment will also deliver an upgraded Emergency Department with additional treatment spaces as well as an isolation room and behavioural assessment room.

This significant redevelopment has been made possible through the Andrews Labor Government’s $470 million Regional Health Infrastructure Fund (RHIF). Local company, Zauner Construction, have been appointed as the builder.

The RHIF was established by the Labor Government in 2016-17 to help regional and rural health services improve the safety and quality of services, service capacity, models of care, patient and staff amenity and service efficiency.

Since 2016, the RHIF has funded more than 380 health infrastructure projects. It is now the largest program of its type in Victoria.

An additional $10 million has been funded by the Labor Government to deliver maternity and critical infrastructure upgrades at Wangaratta Hospital.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health Martin Foley

“This significant redevelopment will ensure Wangaratta Hospital can meet the needs of a growing community with increased capacity, reducing the need for patients to travel to Melbourne for care.”

“A bigger and better Wangaratta Hospital will ensure our dedicated health workers have the modern facilities they need to continue to provide safe and effective care to the local community, closer to home.”

Quote attributable to Member for Northern Victoria Jaclyn Symes

“Wangaratta locals and all those in the North East deserve first class health services and the jobs they bring – and that’s exactly what we’re delivering.”

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