Ambulance And Surgery Wait Times At Record Lows

Monday 30 July 2018

The Andrews Labor Government’s record investment in Victoria’s health system is saving lives and giving people the care they need when they need it most.

Premier Daniel Andrews and Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Jill Hennessy today met hard-working paramedics in Westmeadows to release the latest quarterly hospital and ambulance data.

The April to June quarter is the best quarterly Ambulance Victoria data ever, with 83.8 per cent of all Code 1 urgent ambulances arriving within 15 minutes.

On average, ambulances arrived 11 minutes and 12 seconds after being called out – 38 seconds faster than the same quarter last year and 2 minutes and 41 seconds faster than during the height of the ambulance crisis under the Liberals.

The data also shows 86.7 per cent of patients arriving by ambulance were transferred into hospital care within 40 minutes – up from 85.1 per cent the previous quarter. More than half were handed into the care of doctors and nurses within 19 minutes.

Victoria’s elective surgery waiting lists at June 30 had dropped to 36,096 patients – the lowest number on record and a major improvement from the record high 50,054 waiting for surgery when the Liberals were in power in 2013.

Under the Liberals, only 79.2 per cent of patients received their surgery in the recommended time, but that number has increased to 90.2 per cent. In the three months ending June, 55,806 patients received their surgery.

The results are thanks to the Labor Government’s record investment, which have seen hospitals receive multi-million-dollar boosts, more paramedics join the front line, more ambulances hit the road and more ambulance stations where they’re needed.

In stark contrast, the former Liberal Government went to war with our paramedics and slashed $1 billion from our health system, leaving patients waiting too long for life saving care and languishing on waiting lists.

Quotes attributable to Premier Daniel Andrews

“When your loved one is sick, every second counts. These results aren’t just numbers – they’re saving lives.”

“The Liberals went to war with our paramedics and left Victorians languishing on waiting lists – we’ve put an end to that and are delivering record funding to give Victorians the care they need sooner.”

Quotes attributable to Minister for Health and Ambulance Services Jill Hennessy

“Elective surgery waiting lists broke the 50,000 barrier under the Liberals. Thanks to our hard-working healthcare workers and dedicated paramedics, our hospitals and our ambulance service are performing better than ever.”

Quotes attributable to Member for Sunbury Josh Bull

“Labor is getting it done – delivering world-class care sooner, when patients need it most.”