Alpine National Park Secured For Victorians

Tuesday 5 May 2015

The Andrews Labor Government has today fulfilled its election promise to ban cattle from Victoria’s Alpine National Park, forever.

Legislation which passed the Legislative Council today will ban grazing in the Alpine National Park, as well as in the River Red Gum national parks, protecting Victoria’s iconic alpine parks for generations to come.

The National Parks Amendment (Prohibiting Cattle Grazing) Bill 2015 amends the National Parks Act 1975, prohibiting cattle grazing for any purpose in these national parks.

The Labor Government acted quickly to close down the cattle grazing trial in the Alpine National Park, which was introduced in 2014 by the previous Liberal Government under the guise of investigating the role of grazing in mitigating fire risk.

Extensive scientific research proves that grazing in Victoria’s alpine areas is detrimental to the environment and has no value in reducing bushfire risk in alpine areas.

The Labor Government will continue to work with local communities, Aboriginal traditional owners, scientists and key stakeholders, including the mountain cattlemen, in managing the state’s national parks.

The Government will ensure appropriate bushfire management activities, including planned burning, are carried out within parks to reduce the risk of fire and to protect people, property and the environment.

River Red Gum national parks include Barmah, Gunbower, Hattah-Kulkyne, Lower Goulburn, Murray-Sunset and Warby-Ovens.

Quotes attributable to Minister for Environment, Lisa Neville

The science is clear, cattle do not reduce bushfire risk in alpine areas.”

This legislation has today once and for all removed the loophole that allowed a so called scientific trial’ to occur."

We have ensured that Victorias Alpine National Park and the River Red Gum national parks are free of cattle, preserving them for future generations”