A Place To Remember The Stolen Generations

Tuesday 13 February 2018

On the tenth anniversary of the National Apology, the Andrews Labor Government is paying tribute to the Stolen Generation.

Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins joined Yarra City Council Mayor Daniel Nguyen today to announce details of a Stolen Generations Marker in Fitzroy.

The Marker will be a permanent public artwork designed by Aboriginal artist Reko Rennie, who is renowned for eliciting discussion about Aboriginal culture, identity and history.

The design will consist of a collection of bronze spears and a coolamon, with accompanying seating, lighting and landscaping.

The Marker will acknowledge the history of Atherton Gardens and Fitzroy as a place of significance for Aboriginal people where members of the Stolen Generations found family for the first time, and where community continues to gather and connect.

It will pay tribute to and honour the struggles of the Stolen Generations as well as acknowledge the resilience of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander families, communities, clans and groups who seek to heal from the trauma of the past.

The Marker will be unveiled on 26 May 2018 in recognition of National Sorry Day and is a collaboration between the Yarra City Council and a Steering Group comprising of representatives from the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander community and local organisations.

Quote attributable to Minister for Aboriginal Affairs Natalie Hutchins

The Stolen Generations Marker is a step towards collective healing in Victoria. It will be a place for continued reflection for the Aboriginal community that honours the struggles and resilience of the Stolen Generations.”

Quote attributable to Yarra City Council Mayor, Cr Daniel Nguyen

“We are delighted to have an artist of the calibre of Reko Rennie bringing our community’s vision for a permanent public artwork honouring the Stolen Generations to life.”

Quote attributable to artist Reko Rennie

“I wanted to create an inclusive space where people can sit and reflect, mourn and acknowledge the deep trauma of the past, as well as connect with the ongoing strength and resilience of the Aboriginal community.”